

Namespace: Legivel
Parent Module: RepresentationGraph

Each Global Tag must implement the functions in this type

Record Fields

Record FieldDescription
Signature: Node -> Node -> bool

A function which returs true if the two given nodes are equal (according to yaml equality).

Signature: Node -> Lazy<NodeHash>

A function which returs the hash of the given node

Signature: Node -> GlobalTag -> bool

A function which returs true if the given Node is a match for the given tag. This is the case when the Node complies to all tag's rules.

Signature: ParseMessage -> Node -> FallibleOption<Node> * ParseMessage

A function which is called after Node construction and tag resolution. This function is to post-process Node construction and validate its tag. an incorrect explicitly specified tag should return a Parse Error.

Static members

Static memberDescription
TagFunctions.Create arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
Signature: ((Node -> Node -> bool)) -> ((Node -> Lazy<NodeHash>)) -> ((ParseMessage -> Node -> FallibleOption<Node> * ParseMessage)) -> ((Node -> GlobalTag -> bool)) -> TagFunctions
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